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A Government of the PSOE, Unidas Podemos









发表于 2024-3-14 16:31:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In this way, 1 in 3 respondents support a Government pact between the PSOE and Podemos with the support of non-independence nationalist parties, such as the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), Compromís, the Regionalist Party of Cantabria (PRC) or the Canary Coalition ( CC) . For this option, which totals 175 seats , to go ahead , the abstention of at least one deputy would be necessary. The second option with the most support is that of  PSOE with Ciudadanos, which would add 178 deputies, 2 more than those necessary for an absolute majority . Albert Rivera assured in the campaign that he would not agree with the socialists but, after 28M and the scenario of agreements that is opening up in many governments, Pedro Sánchez demanded that he lift "the cordon sanitaire against the PSOE.

Who are the big winners and losers of the Regional and Municipal Elections Thirdly, there is the option of a Government that includes PSOE, Podemos and nationalists, but also pro-independence parties, such as Esquerra SW Business Directory Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), Junts per Catalunya or even EH Bildu , vetoed in principle by the PSOE. Adding the deputies that this pact would bring together, they would reach  201 seats, 25 above the absolute majority . Neither PSOE alone nor "Columbus pact" Meanwhile, the option defended by the PSOE since the General.

Elections appears in fourth position, that of governing alone with specific support as after the motion of censure that overthrew Mariano Rajoy. This possibility has less support than the previous 3 and represents almost the same percentage as that of those who did not know how to answer this question from the CIS Barometer. Finally, the so-called "Columbus pact" between PP, Ciudadanos and Vox is below the previous options, with 6% support, given that it is a remote option . The 3 right-wing parties have 147 seats, or 151 with Navarra Suma and CC, and would need the PSOE not to be able to reach an agreement with any party to form a Government so minority that they would barely have deputies to legislate.

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