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Economic abundance comes as gratification









发表于 2024-2-20 15:05:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In entertainment, an appropriate and current meme is the most common, this is something related to humor and everyday life situations that can be related to your productservice. For sale, I think it is easy to guess, to offer your product. . From notoriety to aspiration Your brand goes from being known to loved and respected. An example may be Apple . The ads for this brand show high standards, different people, revolutionary ideas, the best and thats how people want to feel. How is that achieved Buying Apple products. Brands not only create aspirations towards their consumers, they also place themselves at a level above or below their competitors. It is no longer just a brand that makes computers, but a brand that has certain special characteristics, as well as the people who use it. .

Zero indifference. Work for the common good. Lets go back to the example of Algeria WhatsApp Number Coca Cola, it launched advertisements saying that by  all its bottles will be made with  recyclable plastic, and it also disseminates information on the same topic. It is not the only company concerned about the issue of garbage, other brands of cleaning products have also launched recycling campaigns where the consumer can even earn money if they return empty bottles. Conclusion A brand should not only concentrate all its efforts on selling, but rather on providing something of value to the consumer and providing messages that positively impact the lives of all people, not just its consumers.  by providing something of content, of value to any person.

How can you get started with the change in your brand First of all, it defines the personality, the attributions are like those of people happy, elegant, funny, youthful, etc. Identify where there are more needs for something that is easy for you to contribute and that, at the same time, is related to your brand as well as the example of recycling and Coca Cola. Create exciting speeches, here your main motive is to inspire, not to sell directly. Start with one post a week on your social networks where you share this type of information about your business. LEARN ABOUT THE PROCESS OF CREATION AND DESIGN OF A LOGO It is said that a successful logo is when the client recognizes you simply by seeing the image. Think about that for a few moments, remember great leaders, like Carls Jr. or Apple, have you already imagined their logo Thats the same thing we want your customers to do when they see your company logo.

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