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发表于 2024-2-19 17:27:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Link sharing is often used on social media. How to share a link Sharing a link is very easy, just copy the article URL, paste it where you want to send it, and send. Words like "share" and "sharing" can make it seem difficult and make you think that you can't do it, but what you're actually doing is copying and pasting. Sharing links to articles has become commonplace with the spread of smartphones. Choose where to share the link After copying the URL, the next step is to send. ・Twitter ・LINE ・Memo Learn more about how to share a link. Twitter I often share links with many people, and when I do so, I often post them on SNS such as Twitter. By sharing the link to the article you want people to read, you can hope that it will resonate with many people and that it will spread more than you can imagine.

I think there are SNS icons on blogs and cell phone numbers list homepages. It allows you to easily share links by pressing a button, so you can easily share links by just clicking on it. LINE If you want to send a URL to a specific person, such as a friend, use LINE. Basically, you can easily share the link by copying the article URL, pasting it on LINE, and sending it. Nowadays, homepages and blogs often have a LINE share button, so you can easily share on LINE by clicking this button. memo When pasting links in notes, I often do it for myself. You can easily return to the page in your spare time by pasting the URL of the article to read it later. Sharing links is a smart move It is extremely difficult to convey the information and content of third-party articles in an easy-to-understand manner.

If you are confident in your communication skills, I think it is a good idea to communicate through words, but it takes time to communicate through words. By sharing links, you can easily share articles and posts that resonate with you. Nowadays, there are often buttons on homepages and blogs that allow you to share links just by clicking the button. Sharing a link is a smart move, as it's easier and less time consuming than communicating with words. Conditions for displaying a link as shared on LINE You may see a message saying "The link has been shared" on LINE. This will be displayed in the VOOM following frame when a friend or someone you follow shares a post.

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