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The popular virologist Margarita del Val proposes a voluntary









发表于 2024-2-19 15:18:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Margarita del Val  has put on the table a new health strategy to try to avoid  mass infections during Christmas. The popular virologist from the  Higher Center for Scientific Research  (CSIC) has asked the Spanish population to carry out  a 10-day preventive quarantine  before meeting at  -risk people  in their family during the Christmas celebrations . The objective is to prevent a peak in infections from occurring on designated dates such as  Christmas Eve  or  New Year's Eve  that triggers a flood of hospital admissions. Sweden sees no evidence that herd immunity is effective in stopping the virus. “All the grandmothers are going to want to enter the hospital with serious symptoms on the same day.

And that is going to be even worse,” del Val expressed  in an interview on  Spanish Television. The expert in viral infections has explained that remaining in isolation in your own room  for a week and a half  , without having contact with the rest of the people around you, reduces the chances of being a carrier of the disease, before meals and meals Europe Cell Phone Number List begin. family dinners. “ We are each very clear about what risk people we have around us ,” he stressed. Spain already has the coronavirus vaccination plan: this will be done in other countries. His proposal is complementary to the strategy that  Pedro Sánchez's Government  will try to agree today with regional officials to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at Christmas. The first proposal proposes a limitation of social  gatherings to a maximum of 6 people  and the establishment of  a curfew  at one in the morning.

Despite these restrictive measures,  del Val has called on citizens  to take more precautions and avoid infecting their family members. “The government plan is recommendations , but  each of us knows perfectly well what the virus does , ”  he emphasized. The vaccine will be approved for emergency use With Christmas just around the corner, the main Spanish governments are embracing the  imminent arrival of the coronavirus vaccine  to begin reducing the impact of the pandemic in  the first months of 2021. However, the CSIC epidemiologist has warned that health officials are only studying  emergency use of the antigen. The prototypes of Pfizer, Moderna oAstrazeneca  have already begun to be reviewed in an accelerated manner by the  European Medicines Agency . What Christmas will be like: Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve dinners with a maximum of 6 people and a curfew to avoid large parties.

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