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8 sympathies for the New Year!









发表于 2024-2-19 13:30:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Even if you haven't put it into practice, you know some of the charms for the new year! And this period, right after Christmas and the exchange of gifts , is the best time to create positive energies and enter the following year on the right foot. And for that, anything goes, from buying clothes in the color of what you want to attract to going to the beach just to be able to jump the famous seven waves. There are those who say that the faith that is placed in these sympathies is what makes them work in the future. In other words, it's all up to you! Discover some to put into practice on the 31st! Why do people like to do spells in the New Year? The reasons for practicing spells are as diverse as possible! There are those who see their friend or relative doing it and think: “why not? It will work!” There are those who are less superstitious and believe in the power of action and those who do their sympathies out of tradition and so on. Either way, there is something that all these people have in common: the hope that their year will be as good as or better than the previous one in their professional lives, in love, in their pockets and much more.

If you are one of them, take advantage of our tips for New Year's Eve. Sympathy ideas for the new year Some spells are more popular than others, but with our list you will discover that you can carry out more than one, as they are so easy to put into practice. Check it out below! Wear white on New Year's Eve Contrary to what many believe, the white color on the night of the 31st is not just about the desire to attract peace. The color is also related to African-based religions, such as Umbanda and Candomblé. Practitioners of these Armenia Mobile Number List religious lines use white to honor Oxalá, one of the greatest authorities of the belief. In addition to this reason, the most popular reason, in fact, is to awaken feelings of peace and harmony for the coming months. For sympathy to work, it is important to focus on this desire, practicing it ever since, seeking to be a better person in your relationships. Ah, a tip: if you think that by using a lighter color, you look paler in photos, find out how to change your skin tone , while still leaving it natural. Wear new clothes We are not encouraging unrestrained consumption, ok? But sympathy says that, on New Year's Eve, it is essential to wear new clothes, even if it is just one piece.

This is because “old” clothes would accumulate the energy of the previous year, and the idea would be precisely to renew it, leaving the past in the past. Then, as a gesture of good faith in the next phase, you have to use a new item, something that has never been used. In this way, you will open up different paths and overcome what has already been experienced. Jump seven waves Just like the use of white, the habit of jumping the seven waves originated in African culture. Entering the sea is a tribute to the orixá associated with the waters, Iemanjá. Therefore, to perform the sympathy, it is necessary to jump seven waves — an expressive number in the Umbanda religion. Tradition says that, when jumping each wave, you have to say a prayer, either thanking or asking, one to each orixá, ending with the “Queen of the waters”. For those who do not follow the Umbanda faith, you can adapt your sympathy simply by praying, giving thanks for what was good in the year that is ending and asking for good vibrations for what is beginning. This superstition is often confused with another that is even simpler: diving the second the year turns.

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